Essential Questions

Healthcare in Canada - Wikipedia

Funding pressures: Canada’s increasing healthcare expenditures are putting pressure on government finances. With an aging population and advances in medical technology, health care costs are rising and sustainable funding sources need to be found.

Limitations on private medical services: Canada’s health care system does not cover certain private medical services, such as dental care.prescription drugs and vision care. This results in some people having to pay extra or purchase private insurance to access these services.

Long-term care and the aging population: As the population ages, the need for long-term care and attention continues to grow. Providing high-quality long-term care services and ensuring sustainable financial support is a challenge.

Unequal distribution of health care resources: There are differences in the distribution of health care resources among different regions and communities. Sparsely populated and remote areas may face a shortage of healthcare resources, while large cities may have better access to health care.