Chapter 2


Balancing Equity and Efficiency | Health Knowledge
  1. Efficiency and Equity
  2. Efficiency in Production
  3. The Production Possibilities Frontier

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Develop a thorough understanding of the ideas of equality and efficiency within the framework of the Canadian healthcare system. Examine the trade-offs between equality and efficiency in the allocation and provision of healthcare resources while taking criteria like accessibility, quality, and cost-effectiveness into account.
  2. Assess the effectiveness of Canada’s health care production processes using economic principles. Examine elements that affect how efficiently healthcare is delivered, such as organisational structures, resource distribution, personnel management, and technology.
  3. Recognise the Production Possibilities Frontier concept and how it relates to the production of healthcare. Explore the effects of operating inside or outside the PPF and examine the trade-offs between various healthcare products and services.